3.2 Basic concepts

  • Values: Julia can work with different type of values like numbers, characters, strings, etc. Below, we see an example of an string value and a numeric value.
  • Variables: A value can be assigned to a variable. Below, the variable greet is defined with the assigned value "Hello".
greet = "Hello"
  • Functions: To define a function, we start with the function key followed by the name of the function with braces, and it finish with the end key. The output value can be explicitely defined using the return key. See an example below.
function greet()
    return "Hello"
  • Printing: The most common function to print a text is print, while println has the same behaviour but adds a newline at the end. We can use $ to interpolate the value of a vairable. You can use braces for expressions (e.g. $(1 + 1)). In the example below, variables who and greet are interpolated in the printed text.
who = "Erick"
greet = "Hello"
println("Welcome! $greet, $(who)!")
# Welcome! Hello, Erick!