Chapter 1 Linux utilities

1.1 Directories listing and size

1.1.1 du: file space usage

du is an utility to estimate file space usage. It estimates recursively the disk usage of the files inside the directory supplied. You can supply diferent sub-directories using syntax path/*. Useful arguments are:

  • -s, --summarize: display the total space usage for each argument,
  • -h, --human-readable: print usage in human readable format,
  • -d, --max-depth=N: print total for subdirectories with depth N,
  • --aparent-size: aparent size is usually smaller,
  • -c, --total: show grand total.

See some examples below:

# estimate space usage of current directory
du -sh

# estimate space usage of more than one sub-directory
du -sh dir1 dir

# estimate space usage of all subdirectories
du -sh ./*
du -h -d 1

# estimate space usage of all subdirectories and sort them
du -h -d 1 | sort -rh

1.2 Download data

Common command to download data are wget and curl.

1.2.1 wget: network downloader

wget is an utility to download files from the web. By default, it write the output to a file with the same name as remote. In case the file exists, it will append an index (.1, .2, .3, and so on) and to create a new file.

  • -O <file>, --output-document=<file>: write output to <file>,
  • --quiet: do not show messages.

See some examples below:

# download a file from github

# download a file from github to standard output
wget -O -

# download rclone installer to a file called ``
wget -O

1.2.2 curl: transfer data

curl is an utility to transfer data from or to a server. I mainly use this to download files. Common arguments I use in priority order are:

  • -O, --remote-name: write output to a file with same name as remote,
  • -L, --location: redirect request in case URL has been modified.
  • -o, --output <file>: write output to <file>,
  • -s, --silent: do not show progress neither error messages,
  • -S, --show-error: show error messages,

See some examples below:

# download a file from github
curl -OL

# download a file from github to standard output

# download rclone installer to a file called ``
curl -L -o

1.3 compress uncompress

tar xJ
# -J Use xz for compressing or decompressing the archives

1.4 Create a bootable installer

  • Download the image
  • Insert a usb stick
  • Copy the installer in the usb stick
cp debian-9.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso /dev/sda

1.5 Adding executable permission to a file

chmod +x filname

1.6 List installed packages and search pattern

dpkg-query -l
dpkg-query -l 'oni'

1.7 Remove and install packages a package

sudo apt-get remove bla
sudo dpkg -r oni
sudo apt-get install bla
sudo dpkg -i <file>.deb
# to remove all related packages and config files
sudo apt-get purge bla

1.8 Convert .bib to .yaml

pandoc-citeproc -y library.bib > library.yaml

1.9 Tinytex for R

# search the package containing an specific style
tlmgr search --global --file "/trimspaces.sty"
# install a package
tlmgr install trimspaces

1.10 Check for badclocks

sudo fdisk -l # check block size
badblocks -sv /dev/nvme0n1 # only-reading
badblocks -nsv /dev/nvme0n1 # writing-reading (non-destructive)
badblocks -wsv /dev/nvme0n1 # writing-reading (destructive)
badblocks -wsv -o badblocks.txt /dev/nvme0n1 # writing-reading (destructive) and save

11169-11223 414725-414727


e2fsck -c mke2fs

1.11 Sambe

- "smb://lancs/Silo/FST/LEC/GIS/GISresearch/Projects/FoodInsecurity"
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
sudo apt-get install smbclient



1.13 cores info

cat /proc/cpuinfo

1.14 splits pdf

pdfseparate -f 1 -l 1 doc.pdf bachiller.pdf
pdfunite mtc5.pdf mtc6.pdf mtc.pdf

1.15 Ag or grep

ag bla
ag -G "pattern"
ag --r function
ag -G '\.R$' 'ftp' .

1.16 Network settings

# check networks and drivers
 sudo lshw -C network
# check  if wifi is blocked
rfkill list all; ifconfig
# check kernel version
uname -r