Software Development
I prefer to work with the GNU/Linux operating system and free programming languages like R, Python, C++, Julia, LaTex and Markdown. Below you will find projects I have been working on. My Gitlab and Github profiles can be found on the footer of this web page.
This package provide tools to simulate data frames based on models formulas. It works with different types of effects and multivariate models.
Functions that can be useful in the day-to-day data analysis. It comprehends functions to find paths for projects, make summaries of databases inside folder and so on.
Provide tools to compute and visualize extreme hydro-climatic events using the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and the model-based standardized index (MBSI). The package can also with work with precipitation series containing missing values (NA
), \(0\) or only non-zero values.
ReasearchNotes is a LaTex class that provides a nice template for scientific notes and reports. You can also use it for lecture notes, tutorial, labs or as you want to use. Compatible with SimpleNotes class.
SimpleNotes is a LaTex class that provides a simple template for scientific notes and reports. You can also use it for lecture notes, tutorial, labs or as you want to use. It is compatible with ResearchNotes class.
UniThesis is a LaTex class that provides a template for thesis of the National University of Engineering (Lima - Peru).
LancsThesis is a LaTex class that provides a template for thesis of the Lancaster University of Engineering (Lancaster - United Kingdom). It can be customized for other universities.
SimpleDown is pandoc template with less dependancies as possible for compatibility with LaTex clases.