Land cover (25 m): Separate classes

This script separate land cover data to different binary raster files for each class. This will help with the computation of some statistics.

Load packages, read data and source custom scripts

rm(list = ls())
#> Loading required package: abind
#> Loading required package: sf
#> Linking to GEOS 3.7.1, GDAL 2.4.0, PROJ 5.2.0
path_proj <- day2day::git_path()
path_data <- file.path(path_proj, "data")
path_raw <- file.path(path_data, "raw")
path_cleaned <- file.path(path_data, "cleaned")
path_processed <- file.path(path_data, "processed")

uk <- st_read(file.path(path_cleaned, "uk_simple.gpkg"), "union_buffer")
#> Reading layer `union_buffer' from data source `/home/rstudio/Documents/Projects/land-suitability/data/cleaned/uk_simple.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 0 fields
#> geometry type:  MULTIPOLYGON
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: -5115.571 ymin: 2055.298 xmax: 660644.8 ymax: 1223625
#> CRS:            27700
lcover_file <- file.path(path_cleaned, "landcover_reclass.tif")
lcover <- read_stars(lcover_file, proxy = TRUE)

Save binary rasters for each land class

values <- 0:7
lcover_files <- file.path(path_cleaned, paste0("landcover_reclass_", values, ".tif"))
for (i in seq_along(values)) {
    x <- lcover == values[i]
    write_stars(x, lcover_files[i], type = "Byte")
#> ====================================================================================================
#> ====================================================================================================
#> ====================================================================================================
#> ====================================================================================================
#> ====================================================================================================
#> ====================================================================================================
#> ====================================================================================================
#> ====================================================================================================

Visualize land cover classes (25 m)

lcovers <- read_stars(lcover_files, proxy = TRUE, along = 3)
lcovers <- st_set_dimensions(lcovers, "new_dim", values = 0:7 )

plot_hook = function() plot(uk, border = 'red', add = TRUE)
plot(lcovers, hook = plot_hook, main = "Class", col = c("white", "black") )

Time to execute the task

Only useful when executed with Rscript.

#>     user   system  elapsed 
#> 1005.633  428.649 1435.656