Land cover (25 m): reclassify categories
Reclassify land cover categories into 7 main categories:
- arable
- wetland
- improved grassland
- forest
- semi natural grassland
- urban
- other
Load packages, read data and source custom scripts
rm(list = ls())
#> Loading required package: abind
#> Loading required package: sf
#> Linking to GEOS 3.7.1, GDAL 2.4.0, PROJ 5.2.0
path_proj <- day2day::git_path()
path_data <- file.path(path_proj, "data")
path_raw <- file.path(path_data, "raw")
path_cleaned <- file.path(path_data, "cleaned")
path_lcover <- file.path(path_raw, "land-cover")
lclass_file <- file.path(path_lcover, "landcover_classification_speed_v2020.csv")
lclass <- readr::read_csv(lclass_file)
#> Parsed with column specification:
#> cols(
#> speed_lc_class = col_character(),
#> lc_code = col_double(),
#> source_no = col_double(),
#> source = col_character(),
#> land_cover = col_character(),
#> lc_code_int = col_double(),
#> speed_lc_name = col_character(),
#> speed_lc_numeric = col_double(),
#> ErickClass = col_character(),
#> ErickCode = col_double()
#> )
lcover_file <- file.path(path_lcover, "landcover_composite_map.tif")
lcover <- read_stars(lcover_file, proxy = TRUE)
Small change on coordinates
Round coordinates to be compatible with other datasets and to make aggregation easier and faster.
dd <- st_dimensions(lcover)
dd$x$offset <- round(dd$x$offset)
dd$y$offset <- round(dd$y$offset)
attr(lcover, "dimensions") <- dd
Define new classes
We create an auxiliary vector where:
- the position of the vector represent the
1000 * lc_code
- the value of the element represent the new code to apply
Using this auxiliary variable make the re-classification faster.
lc_code <- round(1000 * lclass$lc_code)
classes_new <- rep(NA, max(lc_code))
classes_new[lc_code] <- lclass$ErickCode
Reclassify and create new raster
The original land categories from landcover_composite_map.tif
does not match
exactly with lc_code
due to number precision. To match perfectly the integer
counterpart in thousands, it is necessary to round the numbers after multiplying by
st_reclass <- function(X) {
X[[1]] <- array(classes_new[round(1000 * X[[1]])] , dim(X[[1]]))
lcover_new <- stars:::collect(lcover,, "st_reclass", "X")
write_stars(lcover_new, file.path(path_cleaned, "landcover_reclass.tif"), type =
#> ====================================================================================================
#> user system elapsed
#> 177.612 95.113 272.931
Visualize reclassified land cover
lcover_new <- read_stars(file.path(path_cleaned, "landcover_reclass.tif"), proxy = TRUE)
cols <- c("white", "chocolate", "royalblue", "yellow", "forestgreen", "greenyellow", "black", "red")
plot(lcover_new, reset = FALSE, col = cols, main = "Land cover: reclassified")
Time to execute the task
Only useful when executed with Rscript
#> user system elapsed
#> 196.771 96.555 293.208