SPIFA estimates: all, rainy and dry data

Load required libraries and data

rm(list = ls())
#> Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.1, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

path_main <- git_path()
path_data <- file.path(path_main, "data")
path_raw <- file.path(path_data, "raw")
path_processed <- file.path(path_data, "processed")
path_modelled <- file.path(path_data, "modelled")
path_fig <- file.path(path_data, "figures")
path_src <- file.path(path_main, "src")

source(file.path(path_src, "itemnames.R"))

fidata <- file.path(path_processed, "fi-items-ipixuna-urban.gpkg") |>
    st_read(as_tibble = TRUE)
#> Reading layer `fi-items-ipixuna-urban' from data source 
#>   `/home/rstudio/documents/projects/food-insecurity-mapping/data/processed/fi-items-ipixuna-urban.gpkg' 
#>   using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 200 features and 36 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -71.70038 ymin: -7.06058 xmax: -71.68109 ymax: -7.03724
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
samples_spifa <- readRDS(file.path(path_modelled, "spifa-ipixuna-urban-3gp.rds"))
samples_dry <- readRDS(file.path(path_modelled, "spifa-ipixuna-urban-dry-3gp.rds"))
samples_wet <- readRDS(file.path(path_modelled, "spifa-ipixuna-urban-wet-3gp-restricted.rds"))
iter <- nrow(samples_spifa[["theta"]])

Compute summaries from data

summ_all <- summary(as_tibble(samples_spifa, iter/5, select = c("mgp_sd", "mgp_phi", "corr")))
summ_dry <- summary(as_tibble(samples_dry, iter/5, select = c("mgp_sd", "mgp_phi", "corr")))
summ_wet <- summary(as_tibble(samples_wet, iter/5, select = c("mgp_sd", "mgp_phi", "corr")))

map(list(full = samples_spifa, rainy = samples_wet, dry = samples_dry),
    ~ summary(as_tibble(.x, iter/5, select = c("mgp_sd")))) |>
    bind_rows(.id = "model")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 7
#>   model Parameters `2.5%` `10%` `50%` `90%` `97.5%`
#>   <chr> <fct>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 full  T[1,1]     0.292  0.347 0.468 0.611   0.698
#> 2 full  T[2,2]     0.0885 0.117 0.199 0.324   0.413
#> 3 full  T[3,3]     0.152  0.190 0.289 0.411   0.493
#> 4 rainy T[1,1]     0.270  0.338 0.487 0.687   0.823
#> 5 rainy T[2,2]     0.0767 0.101 0.165 0.269   0.336
#> 6 rainy T[3,3]     0.142  0.186 0.295 0.444   0.546
#> 7 dry   T[1,1]     0.207  0.269 0.435 0.645   0.771
#> 8 dry   T[2,2]     0.0825 0.109 0.184 0.307   0.391
#> 9 dry   T[3,3]     0.136  0.177 0.276 0.414   0.507
map(list(full = samples_spifa, rainy = samples_wet, dry = samples_dry),
    ~ summary(as_tibble(.x, iter/5, select = c("mgp_phi")))) |>
    bind_rows(.id = "model")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 7
#>   model Parameters `2.5%` `10%` `50%` `90%` `97.5%`
#>   <chr> <fct>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 full  mgp_phi[1]  127.  153.  216.   303.    365.
#> 2 full  mgp_phi[2]   45.1  55.9  83.0  121.    148.
#> 3 full  mgp_phi[3]   43.9  52.8  76.8  112.    136.
#> 4 rainy mgp_phi[1]  115.  139.  197.   278.    331.
#> 5 rainy mgp_phi[2]   44.1  55.0  80.7  119.    147.
#> 6 rainy mgp_phi[3]   46.6  57.0  83.8  122.    148.
#> 7 dry   mgp_phi[1]   98.2 122.  178.   259.    314.
#> 8 dry   mgp_phi[2]   43.9  54.3  79.6  117.    144.
#> 9 dry   mgp_phi[3]   42.8  52.4  76.2  113.    139.
map(list(full = samples_spifa, rainy = samples_wet, dry = samples_dry),
    ~ summary(as_tibble(.x, iter/5, select = c("corr")))) |>
    bind_rows(.id = "model")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 7
#>   model Parameters `2.5%` `10%` `50%` `90%` `97.5%`
#>   <chr> <fct>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 full  Corr[2,1]   0.615 0.667 0.756 0.838   0.876
#> 2 full  Corr[3,1]   0.712 0.766 0.853 0.921   0.949
#> 3 full  Corr[3,2]   0.637 0.697 0.796 0.877   0.912
#> 4 rainy Corr[2,1]   0.598 0.677 0.799 0.894   0.932
#> 5 rainy Corr[3,1]   0.587 0.671 0.797 0.896   0.936
#> 6 rainy Corr[3,2]   0.450 0.548 0.713 0.843   0.896
#> 7 dry   Corr[2,1]   0.415 0.491 0.631 0.753   0.815
#> 8 dry   Corr[3,1]   0.531 0.617 0.764 0.876   0.919
#> 9 dry   Corr[3,2]   0.472 0.568 0.717 0.837   0.885

Time to execute the task

Only useful when executed with Rscript.

#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   4.006   0.398   4.088