Visualization of the effects of extreme events using empirical data
In this script, we compute birth weight (grams) grouped by the number of antenatal consultations received, and under different levels of exposure to extremely intense or deficient rainfall events. The resulting figure can be seen at section Visualize birth weight (grams) and under different levels of exposure. This output corresponds to Supplementary Figure 3 of our paper.
Load packages, read data and source custom scripts
Paths are defined relative to the git repository location.
rm(list = ls())
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
path_proj <- day2day::git_path()
path_data <- file.path(path_proj, "data")
path_processed <- file.path(path_data, "processed")
path_out_sum_data <- file.path(path_proj, "data", "summarised")
bwdata_model <- fst::read_fst(file.path(path_processed, "bwdata_41_model.fst"))
Organize data to make visualization
bwdata_plot <- bwdata_model %>%
mutate(group1 = cut(neg_ext_mbsi_mean_8wk, c(0.1, -0.154, -0.309, -0.463,
-0.926, -2)),
group2 = cut(pos_ext_mbsi_mean_8wk, c(-0.1, 0.119, 0.357, 0.714, 1)),
group3 = consult_num
) %>%
levels(group1) <- paste0(c("(High)", "(Moderate)", "(Intermediate)", "(Low)", "(None)"),
"\n exposure to extremely \n deficient events")
levels(group2) <- paste0(rev(c("(High)", "(Moderate)", "(Intermediate)", "(None)")),
"\n exposure to extremely \n intense events")
bwdata_plot <- bwdata_plot %>%
group_by(group1, group2, group3) %>%
summarise(n = n(), bw_mean = mean(born_weight), bw_sd = sd(born_weight),
lbw_mean = mean(lbw), lbw_sd = sqrt(lbw_mean * (1 - lbw_mean))) %>%
mutate(bw_se = bw_sd / sqrt(n),
bw_lower = bw_mean - 1.96 * bw_se,
bw_upper = bw_mean + 1.96 * bw_se,
lbw_se = lbw_sd / sqrt(n),
lbw_lower = lbw_mean - 1.96 * lbw_se,
lbw_upper = lbw_mean + 1.96 * lbw_se
) %>%
tidyr::gather(varname, value, bw_mean:lbw_upper) %>%
tidyr::extract(varname, c("type", "stat"), "([[:alnum:]]+)_([[:alnum:]]+)") %>%
tidyr::spread(stat, value) %>%
mutate(type = factor(type, c("lbw", "bw"),
c("Proportion of low birthweight", "Mean birthweight")))
#> `summarise()` regrouping output by 'group1', 'group2' (override with `.groups` argument)
bwdata_bw <- bwdata_plot %>%
filter(type == "Mean birthweight")
Create and save figure
base_size <- 7
gg1 <- ggplot(subset(bwdata_bw, ! +
geom_errorbar(aes(x = group3, ymin = lower, ymax = upper, color = group3),
show.legend = FALSE, width = 0.3) +
geom_point(aes(x = group3, y = mean), col = 1, size = rel(0.4)) +
facet_grid(group1 ~ group2) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 3220, col = 1, linetype = 2, size = rel(0.3)) +
labs(color = NULL,
x = "Number of antenatal consultations",
y = "Birth-weight (grams)") +
theme_bw(base_size = base_size, base_family = "Helvetica") +
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_text(size = base_size),
axis.text = element_text(size = base_size),
strip.text = element_text(size = base_size),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "gray96")
ggsave(file.path(path_out_sum_data, "paper-data-bw-per-exposure.pdf"),
gg1, width = 18, height = 18, units = "cm")
ggsave(file.path(path_out_sum_data, "paper-data-bw-per-exposure.jpg"),
gg1, width = 18, height = 18, units = "cm", dpi = 350)
Visualize birth weight (grams) and under different levels of exposure
print(gg1, vp = grid::viewport(gp = grid::gpar(cex = 1.15)))
Time to execute the task
Only useful when executed with Rscript
#> user system elapsed
#> 17.547 0.563 18.090